About Dayaalu CenterLook closely at the simple flower representing Dayaalu Center and find a circle of connected hearts forming a radiant sun. It’s the perfect image for Dayaalu’s mission: A place to spread light through heart to heart connections. “Dayaa” means compassion in Sanskrit. Adding “lu” makes it a verb — to offer compassion. Through compassionate action in the form of teaching, learning, healing and invoking community we help each other shine.
COMMUNITY - The word Satsang literally means to keep company with the truth. It’s about being in community with people who share the desire to learn and grow. Satsang is at the heart of our vision, and in every corner of Dayaalu you will find opportunities to make connections and find a compassionate and supportive community. Read More. HEALING - At the heart of Dayaalu Center you’ll find allopathic and alternative healers working together to create integrative and collaborative care. Whether moving through a serious medical condition, a soul concern, or the desire to deepen the way you live, our medical professionals, therapists, bodyworkers, and intuitive healers are here for you with a common purpose — to illuminate and animate our healthiest lives together. Our unique combination of classes, therapies and nutrition provides fertile ground to grow and cultivate a healthy life. Read More. YOGA & MEDITATION - A core offering at the Dayaalu Center is yoga, an ancient science of health and wellness. Benefits include a strong body and clear mind reflecting the joy and peace residing in each of us. There are many branches of yoga, including Hatha, meditation, Nada or sound, Jnana or philosophy, Karma or service and Bhakti or devotion. Our mission is to offer a variety of offerings that celebrate these branches. Read More |
Staff & Core Teachers |
At Dayaalu Center, we are proud of the staff and practitioners we have attracted since our doors opened in 2013. Together, we share a passion for compassion in action, as we each express what that means to us through our work. Read More
Sue Steindorf, Founder |
Sue will be the first to tell you that Dayaalu Center is a community effort. But, it was her vision that ignited Dayaalu, and it is her continued inspiration that invites it's organic growth. Read More