Working alongside founder, Sue Steindorf, is a small core of paid and volunteer staff genuinely interested in your needs. We are dedicated to compassionate service and work with our clients to ensure they have an optimal experience at Dayaalu. If you have any questions contact us!
VOLUNTEERS - Dayaalu is grateful for the many volunteers who contribute to the daily upkeep of our facilities and help with special events namely, Betsy Grossman, Juliette Wallace, Terace Yeatts, Susan James, Debra D’Angelo, Megan Premoe and our Garden Fairy Jorunn Erickson. Special thanks go to our photographers Linda Wolf, Paul Sanders, and Ben Cowan.
Our Core Teachers
Dayaalu Center is fortunate to have attracted the best of the best! Our teachers are professional musicians and artists, registered nurses, physical therapists, seekers, dancers, parents and of course dedicated yoga and movement practitioners. Read about each teacher and their schedule by linking on their picture.